Dermatology Survey

Overcoming Common Pathology Challenges

We partnered with The Solution Lab to survey dermatologists across the country and find out what dermatopathology pain points they are facing.

Top Dermatopathology Pain Points

Old Technologies

65% of dermatologists still receive their pathology reports via fax.


Barriers to Using Whole-Slide Imaging (WSI)

42% of dermatologists indicated they don’t use WSI because they aren’t familiar with any digital imaging vendors.


Limited Access to Experts

Nearly 70% of dermatologists said they would like their cases to be read by more experts nationwide.


Long Turnaround Times

Turnaround time on pathology reports currently takes about a week, and most dermatologists think going digital will greatly reduce that time.

Feedback from Survey Participants


Immediate Access

I work in multiple offices, and having access to digital slides enables me to review more efficiently.

– Survey participant from California


Inconvenience of Physical Slides

A patient needed slides sent to a specialist. I didn’t have an efficient way of sending slides. . . . At that moment, I [wished] I had the ability to send digital slides.

– Survey participant from Massachusetts

Meet These Challenges

with PathologyWatch Digital Pathology Services

Our solution can help your practice overcome these barriers and experience the advantages of digital pathology:

  • 50% faster turnaround time
  • 40% more efficient workflow
  • 24/7 access to your digital slides
  • Easy access to expert dermatopathologists
  • Greater convenience with EHR and WSI

Let’s Get Started

We would love the opportunity to come by your office to show you more about how PathologyWatch can help your practice.