Complimentary Brochures and Education for Dermatology Patients

Patients can experience a number of different skin conditions throughout their life, each with its own set of obstacles unique to the patient. PathologyWatch has developed a series of complimentary brochures on some of the most common skin conditions in an effort to help medical professionals educate and inform patients of their symptoms and treatment options.

“Acne is a skin condition that can cause blackheads, whiteheads, pimples, and acne cysts or nodules. Acne is not contagious, and today, virtually anyone who has acne can get clearer skin through treatment.”

Benign Growths
“Benign growths are skin lesions made up of clusters of noncancerous skin cells, and they are usually nothing to be worried about. There are quite a few types of common benign growths that can pop up on the skin, and they may appear for a number of reasons.”

Inflammatory Skin Conditions
”Two of the most common types of inflammatory skin conditions in both adults and children are eczema and psoriasis. It is estimated that more than 31 million people in the US have some form of eczema, and more than 7 million have psoriasis. In many cases, these lifelong conditions can typically be treated with proper education and monitoring, providing a better quality of life for patients.”

“Melanoma is a type of skin cancer that can be deadly. The good news is that melanoma has a cure rate of nearly 100 percent when found early and properly treated.”

Skin Cancer
“Early detection is key to successfully treating skin cancer. Studies show that the estimated five-year survival rate for melanoma cases that are detected early is around 99 percent. That number falls to 66 percent when cancer reaches the lymph nodes and 27 percent when it metastasizes to the organs.”
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