Dermatology patients rely on their physicians to provide accurate diagnoses and effective treatment plans. With three out of four providers indicating electronic medical/health (EMR/EHR) systems enhance patient care, integration with pathology reporting is a valuable transition every clinic should consider.

You want the most cost-effective and reliable method to link information between your dermatology clinic and the laboratory’s lab information system (LIS). By breaking down the limitations of traditional paper communication, learning about interfaces, examining the two types of integration, and understanding the interface challenges, we’ll cover all of the basics you need to know about integrating an electronic interface to elevate your practice and improve patient care.

Traditional Paper

Many dermatology clinics continue to rely on traditional paper when it comes to lab correspondence. When ordering tests, these practices handwrite requisition forms and manually create carbon copies, so a record stays in the office. Once received by the lab, the requisition information is typed into the LIS and matched to the biopsy. When the lab completes the patient report, the paper is attached and sent back to the clinic via fax, mail, or courier.

The exchange of paper between clinics and labs is tried and true for many; however, it does open the door to certain errors that can impact patient care, such as the amount of time it takes to write out forms and re-enter the same data into the LIS. The longer it takes to process and receive information, the longer it will take a patient to receive a diagnosis. It also increases the chance for errors to occur during user translation. Repeatedly entering the same data into patient records invites opportunities for human error. Despite these drawbacks, many clinics continue to use paper as a standard, especially if an efficient electronic health record is not being utilized.

Interface Benefits

While working with paper can lead to inaccuracies or delays, an electronic interface can decrease turnaround times and errors. These benefits appeal to tech-savvy dermatologists, who have a 63 percent adoption rate of EHR technology.

A significant benefit of integrating the clinic EHR with pathology reporting is that fields and data entered into one system can communicate with an entirely different system. As a result, users from the clinic and the lab can search the same patient data or perform quality lookbacks through their EMR using their current systems. This reduces data entry errors and can also allow for identification of improperly labeled specimens, reducing patient risk.

Types of Interfaces

Choosing the right electronic interface can help increase a lab’s efficiency and workflow. 

There are two types of interface for you to consider: unidirectional and bidirectional. A unidirectional interface can only transmit information one way. It can either send orders from the clinic to the lab or receive results from the lab to the clinic. The latter requires clinics to continue to submit paper orders.

Using a bidirectional interface provides a convenient two-way line of communication between the clinic and the lab. Sending and receiving digital orders can reduce time and mistakes, though a bidirectional interface requires programming for both locations. Both types of interfaces are utilized with success, depending on the unique workflow of each practice.

System Setup

Once an electronic interface is selected, real work is required before it can be activated. As more than half of dermatologists see over 50 patients per day, the initial investment of time and effort will pay off in the long run with productivity and dependability.

Interfaces are not simple plug-and-play systems. Individually coded, they require IT support to set up a secure line using a unique virtual private network (VPN) or other similar structure. Programmers use health language 7 (HL7) to reliably transfer patient records and study orders between the clinic and the lab. Full-service dermpath labs like PathologyWatch are designed to shoulder the burden of integrating an electronic interface into your practice.

Today’s EMR systems are full of complexities and functionality, with one leading vendor providing 3,100 automated treatment plans and procedures for dermatologists. By looking at the differences between a paper and digital workflow, exploring different types of integration, and understanding installation, you can assess whether integration with pathology reporting can help you get the most out of your EMR and your practice.