Better Communication with Your Dermatopathology Laboratory Equals Better Results

As a dermatologist, you rely on your lab partner to provide correct diagnoses to ensure your patients receive the highest level of care. However, since communication errors are a major factor in up to 70 percent of adverse events, it’s easy to see how better communication with your dermatopathology laboratory can lead to better results.

Producing accurate results is a team effort. By identifying the information required for a definitive diagnosis, developing a communicative relationship, and enhancing communication through technology, you can help your dermatopathology lab consistently produce more valuable reports. 

Facilitating Definitive Diagnoses

When it comes to complicated diagnoses (such as rashes/eruptions), it’s safe to say dermatologists get out of it as much as they put into it. In cases like these, the value of the report you receive from the lab sometimes reflects the amount and quality of clinical information you share with the dermatopathologist.

For instance, including your differential diagnosis in the requisition form can help steer the dermatopathologist in the right direction. This is particularly helpful when it comes to the diagnosis of inflammatory skin diseases. The histological findings may be subtle, and comprehensive clinical information, including photos, may be needed to arrive at the most accurate diagnosis.  

By providing your dermatopathologist with clinical features, you can help ensure they have the required data to make a definitive diagnosis.

Relationships of Communication

When a dermatologist receives a report that is not definitive, it could be the result of the dermatopathologist not fully understanding the clinical scenario. In these cases, the dermatologist should be proactive and communicate with the dermatopathologist, providing any additional details for a more definitive diagnosis. For example, relevant information for an eruption may include the distribution, duration, symptoms, extent, and color. The dermatopathologist should also reach out to the dermatologist for more information when needed.

Meanwhile, dermatologists who value turnaround time and accurate results should make improving the relationship with the lab a priority. A survey of dermatopathologists showed that diagnoses were delayed due to lack of clinical information, as 45 percent of respondents spend more than 30 minutes a day tracking down clinical information that was not present on the order form. By voluntarily providing information upfront, following up as needed, and building relationships based on communication, you can help your dermatopathologist improve the quality of the lab results. 

Technology-Enhanced Information 

Digital tools can enhance laboratory reporting and enable clinicians to better correlate findings. For example, an EMR interface can simplify the transfer of data between your clinic and the lab. This can reduce the chances of errors by replacing handwriting and carbon copies. In clinics where handwritten requisition forms are used, digital tools provided by PathologyWatch enhance clinic flexibility by providing various reporting options. 

PathologyWatch also supports clients interested in enhanced EMR reporting options. Where available, these EMR interfaces can provide the dermatopathologist with valuable clinical information, including clinical photos, visit notes, and the history of present illness to the laboratory. In addition, PathologyWatch is able to deliver results that speed up dermatologist report review and sign-off within their clinic. 

By providing clinical features, taking a proactive role in communicating, and considering technology options to support your communication, you can experience better communication with your dermatopathology laboratory to produce better results.

Critical Value in Dermatopathology—Where Time and Communication Are Essential

Critical values are defined as “laboratory results that indicate a life-threatening situation for the patient.” Because of their demanding nature, the appropriate healthcare professional must be notified urgently of a critical value. 

In the field of dermatopathology, the College of American Pathologists defines a critical value as a critical diagnosis such as “a medical condition that is clinically unusual or unforeseen and should be addressed at some point in the patient’s course.”

All laboratories, including dermatopathology labs, are required to exercise effective communication when it comes to reporting critical diagnoses and must have a written protocol in place. This is in accordance with laboratory regulations outlined by CLIA (Clinical Laboratory Improvement Amendments; CLIA ’88) and the Joint Commission (TJC) National Safety Goals.

Dermatology clinics should understand what qualifies as a critical or a significant unexpected diagnosis. By examining how labs identify and manage critical diagnoses, defining the referring provider/lab partnership, and understanding how results are shared, we can expedite treatment and improve patient care.

Management of Critical Diagnosis in the Lab

Immediate and decisive action is required in the dermatopathology lab to identify and report critical diagnoses to the dermatologist as soon as possible. Every dermatopathology laboratory should have a written protocol outlining the diagnoses that are considered critical. In most instances, a new diagnosis of invasive melanoma is considered a critical diagnosis, as well as a life-threatening diagnosis such as staphylococcal scalded skin syndrome, graft versus host disease, or toxic epidermal necrolysis. Unalarming in appearance, each of these skin disorders could lead to serious health complications if not treated quickly. 

Once identified as critical or significant, the laboratory is responsible for documenting how and when the results are communicated with the dermatology clinic. If the diagnosis is shared over the phone, there should be a record of who made and received the call. In addition to ensuring the clinic accepts and understands the results, the lab keeps a record to comply with existing laboratory regulations.

The Referring Provider/Lab Partnership

When a clinic and laboratory form a new partnership, the dermatologist and lab open communication lines to clarify the types of results they define as urgent or critical.

Though 75 percent of laboratories have a written policy for handling critical and significant unexpected diagnoses, clinics need to ensure their lab’s processes meet the needs of patients and practices (for instance, if a dermatologist establishes that he or she wants a notification for melanoma in-situ as well as invasive melanoma, or for unexpected cases of Tinea spp). By communicating regularly regarding cases, mutual trust will develop over time between the lab and the clinic.

Sharing Urgent Results

The most crucial step in the critical diagnosis process comes when the dermatologist shares the results with patients and points them towards treatment. The urgency is real, as the rate of survival decreases 5 percent for patients with stage I melanoma treated between 30 and 59 days compared with those treated in the first 30 days after diagnosis. 

To ensure fast and precise action, it is helpful when labs share critical values directly to the EMR in addition to a phone call. Full-service dermpath labs like PathologyWatch transfer results and digital images electronically, enabling clinics to correlate with dermatopathologists instantly. At the same time, accessing the diagnosis in the EMR makes it easy for dermatologists to quickly share the results with patients on a tablet or laptop, reducing worrisome waiting periods.

Whenever a dermatology clinic sends a batch of request sheets to the lab, there are chances for revealing critical diagnoses. By clarifying what constitutes a critical value, defining the referring physician/lab partnership, and examining the best way to share results, you can increase optimal treatment and recovery for patients.

Dollars and Cents: How to Ensure Your Dermatopathology Lab Is Billing Appropriately 

Dermatology clinics who send out to labs rely on accurate pathologic diagnoses to provide optimal patient care. With 44 percent of patient specimens being billed out of network in the United States, it’s also essential to ensure your dermatopathology lab is billing appropriately and in-network.

Your patients trust you to deliver a precise diagnosis and to ward off any surprise billing. By evaluating insurance coverage, looking at common overbilling issues, and defining necessary tests, you can be sure your lab is practicing proper and ethical billing.

Insurance Coverage

Aligning your dermatology practice with a lab contracted with a wide variety of insurance providers is paramount to serving your patients. With more than 900 health insurance companies offering coverage in the United States, it’s crucial to affiliate with a lab that meets the most common demands of the population in your area. 

While clinics can access diverse insurance relationships by working with multiple labs, breaking up samples can be inefficient and lead to confusion. Labs will accept all incoming samples regardless of whether their insurance network covers them. This results in some patients receiving surprise bills from out-of-network labs that could use up their entire deductible. Even though patients can contact their insurance companies or the laboratories directly to negotiate lower invoices, these frustrations impact patient satisfaction and reflect poorly on your clinic.


Safeguard your reputation by partnering with a dermatopathology lab that avoids overbilling or performing unnecessary tests. The costs of excessive medical testing and treatment in the United States is estimated to reach $200 billion annually. Different dermatopathologists and dermatopathology laboratories have different policies on ordering special stains and immunostains. Sometimes increased staining is unnecessary and results in increased bills to your patients. Laboratories that focus exclusively on dermatopathology typically optimize H&E staining for skin diseases, which decrease the utilization and need for immunostains and special stains. Hospital-based dermatopathology or laboratories that do not focus exclusively on dermatopathology sometimes do not optimize for this use case, which can result in increased staining and higher bills to your patients. 

Testing Criteria

In 2014, many Medicare providers responded to growing overbilling concerns by issuing the local coverage determinations (LCD). The rule was designed to boost transparency and raise accountability, indicating that providers can no longer order reflex testing. Labs that violate these standards can be subject to Medicare audits and expensive fines. 

It is up to the laboratory to determine which tests qualify as LCD-approved medical necessities. Dermatopathologists are expected to hold off on billing for costly stains unless documented and necessary. Because most diagnoses can be rendered without a special/immunostain, labs should no longer automatically order stains on cases, also known as reflex testing. 

“Most skin lesions are diagnosed with routine H&E slides,” Medicare reports. “That is the case for most melanomas and other pigmented lesions as well. A minority of skin lesions require immunostains (e.g., atypical fibroxanthomas, Merkel cell lesions, lymphomas). Most common skin lesions (e.g., seborrheic keratosis) do not require IHC stains.”

The LCD provides clear guidelines when it comes to pathologists ordering additional tests: 

  • Tests must be medically necessary to reach a complete and accurate diagnosis. 
  • Results must be shared with—and used by—the treating physician/practitioner.
  • Justification for tests must be documented in the pathologist’s report.

Partnering with a full-service dermpath lab like PathologyWatch that has a broad network of insurance coverage and doesn’t send surprise bills is a smart way to maintain your patients’ confidence and loyalty. Knowing what to look for when it comes to insurance coverage, understanding overbilling practices, and being aware of the LCD testing criteria can help you ensure your dermatopathology lab is billing appropriately.

Identifying Delays in Dermatopathology Lab Turnaround Time

When patients bring their business to your dermatology clinic, they trust you will provide optimal diagnoses and treatment decisions promptly. You share the same expectations regarding dermatopathology lab turnaround time, which the College of American Pathologists (CAP) suggests should require no more than 48 hours in standard cases.

Several factors can increase or cut down the time between receipt in the lab to a verified report. By carefully considering transportation, laboratory workflow, diagnostic hurdles, report delivery, clinical findings, slide requests, and processes in your dermatology clinic, you can improve turnaround time and your patients’ satisfaction and care.


While The College of American Pathologists in the above-mentioned recommendation measures turnaround time from the moment a specimen reaches the lab until the result is signed out to the ordering dermatology provider, we at PathologyWatch measure turnaround time from the moment a specimen is picked up until the result is signed out. Regardless, reliable transportation is required to ensure tissue samples are delivered safely and on time. 

Delays in transportation are not uncommon, as couriers may have to battle traffic or mechanical issues as they carry specimens from the dermatology clinic to a local lab. Meanwhile, overnight providers such as FedEx and UPS may face weather challenges as they move samples greater distances to labs in other parts of the country. Dermatology clinics should expect their partnering labs to provide a reliable and secure system to transport specimens on time in a consistent fashion.

Laboratory Workflow

Running a productive dermatopathology lab requires cooperation from many vital team members. While dermatopathologists read their slides, lab technicians maintain the equipment, and office managers oversee incoming and outgoing reports, they all share in the responsibility of providing acceptable turnaround times.

National holidays, vacation days, and the 2.5 sick days American professionals take every year add up to many missing hours for smaller labs to work around. However, locum tenens provide a reliable source of dermatopathology talent to keep labs working at capacity. While some labs are open 24 hours a day, seven days a week, it’s important to note the majority hold traditional weekday hours when calculating turnaround time.

Diagnostic Dilemmas

After a dermatology clinic sends out a batch of specimens, they can reasonably expect to receive results from the lab within a few days. However, since complex cases can increase turnaround time by 100 percent, it’s essential to be aware of the tissue samples that could require possible delays.

For instance, a dermatopathologist may order additional studies, like special stains, to determine if a specimen contains an infection. And if an immunohistochemical stain is needed, it can require up to two additional days, depending on the availability of the particular stain.

Intradepartmental consultations cause delays in obtaining a second colleague’s opinion on complicated specimens. However, labs using digital slides can collaborate with experts around the world in real time and avoid longer turnaround times. 


After the lab completes a diagnostic report, the priority shifts to returning the report to the dermatology clinic as efficiently as possible. Delays can occur for providers working with paper, as this requires fax, mail, or overnight couriers. Once the paper reports are received, they need to be collated in the patient files.

The majority of providers utilize electronic medical/health (EMR/EHR) systems to enhance patient care. This makes integration with digital pathology reporting the next step and a dependable time-saver offered by full-service dermpath labs like PathologyWatch. Instead of waiting for deliveries, diagnostic results and digital pathology images are transferred instantaneously from the lab to each patient’s EMR. The digital results are easy to search and convenient to share with patients on tablets and laptops. 

Clinical Findings

Experienced dermatologists can quicken the turnaround time by providing detailed clinical information, impressions, and differential diagnoses on their pathology request forms before they are sent to the lab. 

Because labs don’t always have access to the patient’s clinical history, providing a clinical impression on the request form is always helpful. This is particularly true for inflammatory lesions, which can be subtle and nonspecific under a microscope. Without a clinical impression, the dermatopathologist can struggle to diagnose the findings with confidence, sometimes leading to a descriptive diagnosis, which should include differential considerations, as well. 

One factor that can impede clinical interpretation is the lack of access to the interpreting dermatopathologist for any questions about the interpretation. You should be able to contact your dermatopathologist directly. At PathologyWatch, for example, our dermatopathologists are directly available by cell phone or text message for consultations, which significantly speeds up the turnaround time.

Slide Requests

Many dermatologists feel that reviewing their own biopsy slides improves the quality of care they can render to their patients. Requesting traditional glass slides to be mailed can sometimes take up to two weeks for clinics to receive. Digital pathology providers such as PathologyWatch provide 24/7 access to digital slides from anywhere globally, which dramatically improves turnaround time on slide requests.

Take PathologyWatch’s partnership with Allen-Taintor Dermatology. Before collaborating with PathologyWatch, the Utah dermatology clinic waited up to two weeks for slides to return from the lab. PathologyWatch was able to deliver faster results by interfacing directly with the EMR, providing academic-level reads, and providing direct digital access to each patient’s pathology slides. The result was a 75 percent turnaround time improvement in most cases.

Improving Turnaround Time

Dermatology clinics can make an impact on dermatopathology lab turnaround time. Begin by opening the lines of communication with the lab and staying in contact about the status of your cases. Being proactive will allow the lab to identify issues with transportation or particular specimens that require additional information from the clinic to help expedite the diagnosis.

Securing accurate and timely results from the lab is better for your dermatology clinic and your patients. Identifying the cause of delays in transportation, staffing workflow, reports, slide requests, and clinical findings, while being proactive in your dermatology practice, can help you speed up dermatopathology lab turnaround time. 

Managing Pathology Orders and Results

Dermatology clinics carry the responsibility of providing patients with correct test results from dermatopathology laboratories. With 9,500 Americans diagnosed with skin cancer every day, the weight of managing pathology orders and results is critical to ensure every patient’s diagnosis is received and shared in an organized, accurate, and timely manner.

Experienced dermatologists know there’s more involved in processing pathology results than sending out request forms and waiting for results to return. By being proactive, defining the lab’s responsibilities, evaluating paper and electronic workflows, and exploring the advantages of an EMR interface, you can ensure your dermatology clinic provides optimal quality of care to your patients.

The Clinic’s Responsibility

Patients hold their dermatology clinics accountable for sharing biopsy results, which means it is up to the providers and their staff to receive, organize, and deliver pathology results directly to patients. While it takes an average of 12 years of schooling and training to become a dermatologist, it only takes a few moments to lose a patient’s trust.

Labs return their reports to clinics through various channels, including fax, web portal, courier, and mail. The dermatology practices keep track of these results and share them with their patients. Proactively opening the communication lines between the clinic and the lab is the best way to make sure nothing slips through the cracks. By checking in with the lab frequently to follow up on cases, a dermatologist can stay on top of any delays or missing reports while answering questions that may help to produce more definitive diagnoses. 

According to Tammie Ferringer, MD, open communication between the clinic and the lab is “totally appropriate and should occur.” The dermatopathologist advises, “Calling is absolutely acceptable, and it is usually easier to get ahold of a dermatopathologist than a lot of dermatologists because they’re seeing patients constantly.” 

The Lab’s Responsibility

The dermatopathology lab is obligated to deliver case results and alert the clinic of any unexpected or urgent diagnoses. Labs deliver their diagnoses using documented communications, keeping records of faxes, correspondence, and deliveries. However, the lab’s obligation stops once the clinic receives the results. The dermatology practice coordinates and shares the results with their patients. 

Paper Workflow

Dermatology clinics have the option of sending requests and receiving diagnoses via traditional paper or electronically. Even though 70.2 percent of dermatologists report using an EHR in their practice, many still prefer to use paper when communicating with labs. 

One disadvantage of paper is the task of matching outgoing orders with incoming results. With some dermatology practices seeing 40–50 patients per day, managing a paper workflow can create a bottleneck and impact the time to deliver results to patients. 

Current events also point towards electronic records as a safer solution for clinics to consider. “We’re in the era of social distancing, so it’s time to embrace EMRs and other technologies that make it safer for us to do our jobs,” notes Mark D. Kaufmann, MD, FAAD. “This will help us be responsible in the COVID-19 era, as well as create new efficiencies in terms of billing and coding.”

Interfacing the EMR

Working with a lab that interfaces electronically with a dermatology clinic’s EMR introduces a new level of streamlined reliability. In an instant, office staff can see which orders are still outstanding and which diagnoses are ready to be reviewed and shared with patients, with some interfaces using color codes to flag new or urgent results.

In addition to simplifying sorting, searching, and managing requests, an EMR interface, like the one provided by PathologyWatch, includes immediate access to whole-slide images and access to academic-level dermatopathologists. PathologyWatch makes it easy to pull up digital images and review them independently or with the patient.

Your dermatology clinic moves quickly to ensure your patients receive accurate results with an acceptable turnaround time. If you take time to evaluate your practice role, understand the lab’s obligation, compare paper and electronic workflows, and consider an EMR interface, you’ll find ways to improve the management of pending specimen lists and report distribution to serve your patients better.