Smart Skin Dermatology Case Study

case studySmart Skin Dermatology

PathologyWatch assisted Smart Skin Dermatology as a more reliable and efficient pathology partner to help them better serve patients.

At a Glance

Smart Skin Dermatology provides Utah patients with comprehensive medical and cosmetic dermatology care. This includes treating common skin problems and many difficult-to-treat disorders. With over two decades of clinical experience, they recently opened their office to bring a professional, enjoyable, and patient-focused experience to the dermatology specialty. Smart Skin Dermatology called on PathologyWatch to implement full EMR integration and access a team of experienced dermatopathologists.

Services Provided:

Saves Physician Time

contour challenge

The Challenge

A new clinic challenged by opening during COVID-19 was looking at different options for pathology. The clinic is staffed by one dermatologist and three physician assistants, all with significant experience in dermatology. They were looking for definitive interpretations, fast turnaround times, and workflow efficiency.

The Solution

PathologyWatch provides access to an outstanding clinical team, along with EMR integration and a focus on reporting efficiency without compromising quality. Similar to the digital transformation sweeping the radiology industry, the efficiency of the electronic workflow means Smart Skin can improve patient satisfaction by providing patients with prompt, accurate diagnoses.

contour solution
contour solution

The Solution

PathologyWatch provides access to an outstanding clinical team, along with EMR integration and a focus on reporting efficiency without compromising quality. Similar to the digital transformation sweeping the radiology industry, the efficiency of the electronic workflow means Contour can improve patient satisfaction by providing patients with prompt, accurate diagnoses.


Virtual Onboarding

Opening safely during COVID was important. The clinic was largely able to complete their simple onboarding process through virtual web calls.

Responsive Support Team

The PathologyWatch team members are accessible, responding quickly to text, emails, or calls to resolve any issues.


Saves One Hour a Day

Sending digital orders and receiving digital reports directly to the patient’s EMR chart is a game changer for the clinic. From report to file, the streamlined process saves the staff an hour a day on manual tasks.

Up to 75% Faster Turnaround Times

While other local clinics complain about two-week turnaround times, Smart Skin Dermatology is exceptionally pleased about consistent four-day turnaround times on most cases.

No Minimums. No Startup Costs. No More DermPath Headaches.

Let’s Get Started

We would love the opportunity to come by your office to show you more about how PathologyWatch can help your practice.

Allen-Taintor Dermatology Case Study

Case Study

Allen-Taintor Dermatology

PathologyWatch assisted Allen-Taintor Dermatology as a more reliable and efficient pathology partner to help them better serve patients.

At a Glance

Allen-Taintor came to PathologyWatch looking for a more reliable and efficient pathology partner to help them better serve their patients. PathologyWatch implemented ValueWatch, which processes and digitizes biopsy slides, providing immediate, 24/7 access, improved efficiency, and better patient satisfaction.

Services Provided:

Saves Physician Time

mole exams

The Challenge

Allen-Taintor Dermatology experienced a cumbersome workflow with the pathology group they were working with. Reports were emailed and attached separately to the patient’s record by the internal staff. Slides for review were mailed and regularly took up to two weeks to reach their office.

The Solution

PathologyWatch collaborated with Allen-Taintor Dermatology to deliver faster results by interfacing directly with the EMR, providing faster turnaround time with academic-level reads, and uploading digital slides directly to the patient’s record.


The Solution

PathologyWatch collaborated with Allen-Taintor Dermatology to deliver faster results by interfacing directly with the EMR, providing faster turnaround time with academic-level reads, and uploading digital slides directly to the patient’s record.


Improved operational efficiency with digital workflows.

Pathology results are uploaded directly to the clinic EHR, and pathology-related fields are automatically pre-populated for the dermatologist and clinic staff.

75% reduction in dermatologist review time.

Academic-level reads were provided alongside digital imagery, significantly reducing the time necessary to review the pathology report and enhancing the quality of the overall read.

Improved patient satisfaction.

The dermatologists use the digital slides to help teach their patients about their biopsy results and resulting cancer care.

Better communication.

PathologyWatch physicians reach out to the dermatologists to discuss cases. Clinician and pathologist can review the same digital slide image.

75% faster sample turnaround.

Turnaround time significantly improved from up to two weeks to approximately two days for most cases.

No Minimums. No Startup Costs. No More DermPath Headaches.

Let’s Get Started

We would love the opportunity to come by your office to show you more about how PathologyWatch can help your practice.

Prairie Lakes Healthcare Case Study

Case StudyPrairie Lakes Healthcare

PathologyWatch helped Prairie Lakes improve efficiency from their existing EMR and connect with expert-level dermatopathologists.

Improved operational efficiency by 30–40%.

At a Glance

Prairie Lakes engaged with PathologyWatch to improve sample turnaround times and connect with expert-level dermpaths. By implementing ValueWatch, Prairie Lakes was able to increase patient care and improve physician and staff workflow efficiency.

Services Provided:

Saves time for physicians patient outcomes are optimizedreduces burden for staffuntapped revenue is captured


The Challenge

In rural South Dakota, patients lacked access to dermatopathologists. In many cases, specimens were sent to locations often over 150 miles away, and most cases were read by general pathologists, who sometimes lacked the expertise to diagnose serious skin conditions. Dr. Smith needed a system that improved the patient experience, provided specialized expert care quickly, and provided additional revenue to the practice.

The Solution

Dr. Smith contracted with PathologyWatch to provide pathology-related services. Dr. Smith’s clinic sends tissue samples to PathologyWatch for processing and digitization. Expert dermpaths weigh in on Dr. Smith’s cases as desired and needed.*


The Solution

Dr. Smith contracted with PathologyWatch to provide pathology-related services. Dr. Smith’s clinic sends tissue samples to PathologyWatch for processing and digitization. Expert dermpaths weigh in on Dr. Smith’s cases as desired and needed.*


patient care.

PathologyWatch provides Dr. Smith with best-in-class reads and reliable diagnoses.

Improved patient satisfaction.

Patients can view their test results and slides digitally, which enables them to make informed decisions about their care.


Clinicians and pathologists can view the same file and discuss test results.


Services are billed directly through the practice, which opens up new revenue streams.

Improved operational efficiency.

Patient information is uploaded directly from the LIS into your EMR, pre- populating the fields and improving efficiency by 30-40%.

Fast sample

Test result turnaround time went from 1-2 weeks to 1-2 days.

No Minimums. No Startup Costs. No More DermPath Headaches.

Let’s Get Started

We would love the opportunity to come by your office to show you more about how PathologyWatch can help your practice.